
Szakcsi Jazz Association | Generations of Hungarian Jazz

Concert Hall
  • Members of the association:
  • Kristóf Bacsó
  • Elemér Balázs
  • Kornél Fekete-Kovács
  • Imre Kőszegi
  • Kálmán Oláh
  • „Pecek” Krisztián Lakatos
  • Béla Szakcsi Lakatos Jr. (Szakcsi Jr.)
  • Róbert Szakcsi Lakatos
  • Nikoletta Szőke
  • Rudolf Torma

  • Young musicians selected by the association:
  • Máté Balogh
  • Adrienn Bangó
  • Claudia Castagno
  • Máté Éles
  • Attila Farkas
  • Zsolt Farkas
  • Tamás Fazekas
  • Fábió Fehér
  • Rezső Jónás
  • Noémi Nagy
  • Gábor Rigó
  • Sándor Suke
  • Salamon Tűzkő
  • Balázs Varga

The concert of the Szakcsi Jazz Association, founded on the initiative of the late Béla Szakcsi Lakatos, hosts a dialogue between generations, where experienced and young musicians present the richness of jazz together. They give insight into the traditions of Hungarian jazz and at the same time into its future. The 14 young talents selected by the Szakcsi Jazz Association collaborate with 10 well-known jazz artists, including 16-year-old saxophonist Máté Balogh, who will play with legendary jazz drummer Imre Kőszegi, 80 this year. The Szakcsi Jazz Association is led by artists who have taken Hungarian jazz to all corners of the world, such as Nikoletta Szőke, Elemér Balázs, Béla Zsoldos, Kálmán Oláh and Attila László. The president of the association is Béla Szakcsi Lakatos Jr. They have selected 14 exceptional talents to perform this evening.

Tickets are available for 4200 HUF on the spot,
online at,
and at InterTicket Jegypont partners across Hungary.

2024 October 26 Saturday