
Transparent Sound 2024 | EZMMi – Piano Procedures

Transparent Sound New Music Festival 2024

Andrea Szigetvári: Little Consolations for an Unborn Child (Hommage à Jan Kuciak and Martina Kušnírová) – for piano, MIDI player piano and laptops – premiere

Bálint Baráth: Dynamic conditions – for acoustic and player piano – premiere

Andrea Szigetvári: Leap Games – for MIDI player piano and electronics

  • Bálint Baráth - piano
  • Andrea Szigetvári - electronics
  • Szabolcs Kerestes - electronics

EZMMi is the new joint project of the Liszt Academy of Music and Budapest Music Center which presents electro-acoustic music works showcasing the latest advances in technology. The project also offers detailed introductory lectures for the audience about the pieces they hear.

The concert will feature works by Bálint Baráth and Andrea Szigetvári on acoustic piano, MIDI-controlled piano and electronic sounds, based on various mathematical procedures and algorithms. Simple arithmetic operations and more complex techniques related to chaos science, dynamical systems and fractal geometry are used to create data sequences that become musical compositions, which are transformed into traditional sheet music, interactive MIDI players and electroacoustic sounds by the authors, who also explain to the audience how the algorithms work and how they are transformed into music.

Free entry! Seating is on a first-come, first-served basis.

2024 January 20 Saturday